What is Auranga Connect?
Auranga Connect is a project delivered by the MADE Group and Pollock Consulting, enabled by the Waka Kotahi Hoe ki angitū Innovation Fund, in close collaboration with partners Auranga Residents Association (ARA), Beam E-Mobility, Big Street Bikers, Auckland Transport (AT) and Emissions Impossible.
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In alignment with Auranga’s unique Integrated Transport Strategy to provide residents with multiple options of micro-mobility integrated and public transport, ‘Auranga Connect’ aims to understand, educate and reduce the community’s emissions by exploring other modes of sustainable, healthy and efficient travel options in and around Auranga.
▶ Auranga Integrated Transport video
Our Key Approaches
Incentivised Surveys
Where residents fill out at the start and at the end of the programme to compare if there have been any perspective, habit or modal changes that the project has brought about. The data collected is being processed by Emissions Impossible and findings presented in report format to Waka Kotahi, Auranga Connect team and the community to inform future programme
Locky Dock Installation
Locky Docks as part of Big Street Bikers network have recently been installed at Auranga Village Square.
Locky Docks are a free, secure parking and charging station which work for eBikes and eScooters (and non ‘e’ bikes and scooters too!). Accessible by the Locky Dock app or simply with your hop card, the first Locky Docks have now been installed at Auranga at the Village Square – close to other micro-mobility options and, soon, the new 376 Bus Stop.
For more information about this global movement of quirky, free and easy docking - visit our website or send us an email via hq@bigstreetbikers.com
Beam Collaboration
Beam is here! We’re painting Auranga purple in partnership with Beam e-scooters and e-bikes, which are now in the community (one of the first outside of Auckland CBD!). A great alternative to explore Auranga’s amazing amenities or pop by the a local area of interest, these are available to unlock and use at the Village Square.
Free HOP Card Trials
In partnership with AT, free ‘Give it a Go’ HOP Cards have been available for the community throughout the trial with a free 2-week public transport period.
These have been dropped off for interested residents and are available to sign up via the ARA office at the Village Square, encouraging residents to experience for themselves the viability of the 376 bus route (to Papakura Train Station) and make the most of the half price public transport options currently available!
The chart below shows the uptake of the bus since the establishment of the bus stop in Auranga less than 2 years ago on Bremner Road. Since the start of the Auranga Connect programme in March 2023, we are encouraged to see a spike in uptake.
Community Events
To launch the 3 month campaign to better connect the community and promote the use of micro-mobility and public transport, the Auranga Connect Launch was held in March 2023.
▶ Auranga Connect Launch video
School Holiday Soccer Programme
We hosted two soccer programme sessions during the April school holidays to encourage the children in the community to scoot down to the Village Square, connect with other kids and have a blast with the high school coaches. We received positive feedback from their parents in particular who were appreciative for the platform for their kids to disconnect from their devices, expend energy, learn new skills and make new friends.
The gear purchased is now held at the Village Square for the community to borrow to host their own games.
What's coming up:
Street Meets
Street Meets is all about connecting residents with other residents by empowering neighbours to organise their own community events. Residents are encouraged to host an event or activity and invite their neighbours along to enjoy – the only ask is to use a form of sustainable travel to the event, and to measure the uptake of these modes!
Street Competition
An initiative that gets the community ramped up and excited about all things transport and community building, with an incentive to win $500.
With up to a team of up to 10 people, teams are given a list of tasks that earns points over a 3 week period. Anything from uploading pictures of the team in the community trying out e-scooters to tagging on the bus or hosting a Street Meets event for neighbours to enjoy and many more! Bonus points will be given for the best team name, best photo and video.